
Showing posts from April, 2023

Blog 5

 As we get closer and closer to the trip I find myself experiencing the pre-trip butterflies. I don't know about you guys, but this trip is all that's getting me through my typical end-of-semester slump. I keep telling myself that in a few weeks I'll be in a country I've never been before.  My mom was born and raised in Slovenia and moved here when she was 23. I can't imagine packing everything up at this age and going to an entirely new land. However, my mom has always said that she can see me moving out of the US at some point, and I have a feeling I'll fall in love with one of these countries we're going to. Now that she's in my head about moving internationally, I just know I'll subconsciously be scoping out which place I'd want to live in the most.  I find myself getting overwhelmed at how much there is to see in each city in the limited time we have. I don't want to regret how I spend my time on this trip, so I decided to start research

Mrs. Dalloway Blog

 I have definitely gotten behind on my blogs, so here we are at the end of Mrs. Dalloway! I had already read this book in a previous class, but I found that I appreciated it much more this time around. I find it interesting that the entire novel revolves around Clarissa throwing a party, which is usually filled with many housewife roles like preparing food, getting table placements set up, and things of that nature. Clarissa is going about those motions and running into certain people along the way that make her question deep parts of life. This begs me to think that by being with her husband, she does not ponder life as much as she did before marriage.  I found myself resonating with Clarissa on a few levels. I have always had a fear, as many women do, that marriage will confine me to the title of being my husband's wife and that by losing my last name I will be losing my individuality and personal freedom.  I also found the character of Septimus to be interesting. He seems to be